Behind the scenes,
Let’s meet Harrie!
Photo taken by Paul Bester (Owner Harries Pancakes Dubai)
Harrie Siertsema
Harrie Siertsema, the original founder of Harrie’s Pancakes, has established several restaurants across South Africa.
His culinary philosiphy is centred around traditional South African flavours prepared with extra attention to authenticity.
Harrie also has a long standing love for contemporary art and much of his energy and resources are geared towards opportunities for upcoming South African artists.
The restaurants regularly serve as exhibition venues for upcoming and established artists.
Harrie received the origional pancake Recipe from an old Lady living in the town Graskop Mpumalanga South Africa. He set to work and experimented and adjusted the recipe till he achieved the perfect texture, thickness, and flavour.
Using this special recipe Harrie built a legacy of exceptional pancakes, enjoyed by multiple generations of holiday makers and Pancake Lovers.